Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Science 7.12.15

We carried out an investigation to see what different drinks do to our teeth.

These are the results.

Maths 7.12.15

LO: To create 3D models of shapes.
We used polydron to make some 3D shapes and identify their properties.


In RE we made our very own Christingles.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Maths 14.10.15 Willow class

In maths today we have been learning the number line method for division.

Egyptian projects.

Here are some more of our projects from Willow class.

Science 12.10.15

Evaporation experiment... Look at what was left after a week when all the water had evaporated.

Egyptian projects

A huge well done and a massive thank you to everyone for your wonderful homework projects. We have enjoyed sharing some of them in Willow class.

Willow class' burial chambers

Here are some that we have finished.


In literacy we have learnt about Egyptian burial chambers and have made some of our own. We have used them for inspiration for descriptive writing.

Science 5.10.15

Willow class enjoyed finding puddles and learning about evaporation.