Tuesday 29 January 2019

Magnificent Mosaics! - Art

Having visited the Roman Baths and seen the wonderful mosaics from nearly 2000 years ago we in Year 4 had a go at making our own versions!

Sunday 27 January 2019

Roman Project Homework - History

Year 4 Project Homework
The Romans

This term we are studying the Romans, so this task involves a little research of the topic and presenting it in as creative a way as you can!

Due date: Friday 15th February 2019

1.       Choose one of these topics to research:

·      Roman Religion (gods and myths)
·      Roman Architecture (e.g. famous buildings, landmarks)
·      Roman Gardens (e.g. elegant, ornamental places of relaxation)
·      Roman Food (e.g. actual menu or typical creation)

2.       You can visit the library and choose books that will give you some information on your topic or search the Internet.

3.       There are many possible ways you could present your research findings:

- Create a fact file that has pictures and information written in sections. You could use a computer or hand write it and stick or draw pictures on.

- Make a 3D model.

- Prepare a PowerPoint slideshow.

- Use Minecraft to create your 3D model (using screen shots to present in class).

- Do some cooking / baking (providing photos or edible treats for class)


Be creative and try your best!!!     

Any questions? Please ask J

Thursday 17 January 2019

Spring week 2 spellings

SPELLING LIST A 14th January 2019 
Pattern: Spell words with the prefix inter-

1.   interactive
2.   intercede
3.   interchangeable
4.   interjection
5.   interference
6.   interdependence
7.   intermediary
8.   intermission
9.   interruption
10. international

Challenge words:
unsightly,  scrawny, revolting


SPELLING LIST B  14th January 2019 
Pattern: Spell words with the prefix inter-

1.   interaction
2.   intercept
3.   interchange
4.   interject
5.   interfere
6.   intercom
7.   intermediate
8.   interrupt
9.   interdependent
10. internal

Challenge words:
unsightly,  scrawny, revolting

SPELLING LIST C  14th January 2019 

1.   follow
2.   floor
3.   full
4.   father
5.   flick

Pattern: Spell words with the prefix inter-
6.   interact
7.   interlock
8.   interrupt
9.   intercom
10. interfere

Challenge words:
told, colder, shoulder

Year 4
SPELLING LIST D 14th January 2019 

1.   follow
2.   floor
3.   full
4.   father
5.   flick

Challenge words:
hold, cold, told

Yummy baking in RE lessons - DT

Year 4 have been exploring the Jewish festival of Passover by making unleavened bread.
Very successful and surprisingly tasty results. Well done everyone!

Roman Baths Trip Oak Photos